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UK tips USA on Duvet Cover Changing. by Fine st Linens and Things

UK tips USA on Fastest way to Change a Duvet Cover
The quickest way to change a duvet revealed
The mystery of how to quickly change a duvet cover has been solved by a new study.
Timed participants found `feeding into the corners' was the speediest approach.
They beat hot competition from fans of the `inside out' and `climb in' methods.
Around 1,000 customers took part in the study carried out at linen departments in 13 John Lewis stores around England.
Feeding into the corners was the most popular technique, chosen by 46% of participants. The fastest change took just 44 seconds.
The `inside out' technique was favoured by 38% with the fastest change taking 51 seconds
Just 16% of participants opted to climb inside duvet covers to fit them from the inside. This cumbersome method took 56 seconds.
Duncan Kent, linens department manager for John Lewis, Oxford Street said the chain had cracked the duvet change code.
He said: Previously I was a devotee of the Inside Out method but following this trial I will be adopting the Feeding Into The Corners technique."
Londoners were the most efficient at changing their duvet covers while Mancunians were the slowest.
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